My name is Jake Saunders. You can contact me via email: JSESaunders1 at sheffield dot ac dot uk.
I am a second year maths PhD student at the University of Sheffield. I am a member of the algebraic topology research group, and my supervisor is Markus Szymik.
I'm thinking about highly structured ring spectra of characteristic 2.
In particular, I'm attempting to give a description of the $E_\infty$ structure on the unoriented bordism spectrum $MO$.
As an application, I'd like to know whether the mod 2 Euler characteristic, which is an additive and multiplicative bordism invariant, lifts to a map of $E_\infty$ ring spectra $MO \to Eh$, for some $E_\infty$ ring spectrum $Eh$.
A list of conferences I've attended can be found here.
A list of talks I've given can be found here.
I was previously an MMath student at Durham University. Here is a page with some stuff I did as an undergraduate.